Welcome to Liberty!
The Liberty School District wishes to welcome all new TK and Kindergarten children as they take that big step toward what we hope will be many happy years of learning at school.
A child may be registered for TK and Kindergarten beginning in January, during the pre-registration period, or August if unable to register earlier.
A birth certificate or other valid evidence of your child's birth date is required for registration as well as proof of residence in the Liberty School District.
Admission Requirement
• Children who are five years old on or before September 1st are eligible to start Kindergarten. Children who will be turn 5 between September 2nd and September 2nd the following year are eligible to start Transitional Kindergarten.
• DPT, Two (2) series MMR; Measles (Rubella), Rubella, Mumps Hepatitis B (3) series, Varicella (Chickenpox) and Polio immunizations are required before a child may enter kindergarten. These requirements are subject to change.
• A record of your child's health history regarding immunization, vaccinations, childhood diseases, serious accidents or illnesses and chronic conditions is also necessary. A physical examination before entering school will identify early and any special health needs for your child.
• Dental Exam.
Please contact Amy Grant, District Secretary, 707-795-4380, for a complete Registration Packet and more information on Registration and Admission.